Council divided on supporting controversial 2LGBTQS+ campground
Local "PRIDE" campground capitalizing on niche markets while seeking municipal and federal support.
If you see tourists walking around with diapers and pacifiers, or shoppers browsing dressed up as furries (animal costumes) don’t be alarmed. West Nipissing is now considered the Canadian capital for events catering to certain niche aspects of the ever-growing sexual identity and fantasy movement.
With the advent of Pride month in Canada, many are rejoicing in the festivities and celebrations of inclusion. But many will have noticed a shift in perception towards the 2LGBTQS+ movement in the last few years. An IPSOS survey conducted last month of 26 countries saw Canada as one of the few countries that had a “precipitous drop” in support for the 2LGBTQS+ movement.
The majority of Canadians have come to accept and understand the early aspects of this movement. Most Canadians respect everyone’s right to love and be loved regardless of sexual orientation. However, the recent backlash stems from some of the more controversial aspects of this movement.
While council was united in support of West Nipissing Pride’s events, a newer aspect of the local celebrations organized by a different 2LGBTQS+ group is drawing some controversy. A camping week organized in West Nipissing called “Pride in the Woods” which will officially host it’s third such weeklong event in August recently sought support from West Nipissing council.
Pride in the Woods is set to take place at a campground in Lavigne called FoxHaven. The group that hosts this event is a not-for-profit organization called What the Fox Trot led by the owner of the campground Ryan Jackson as well as two executives from North Bay Pride.
The leader of the group and property owner, Ryan Jackson is locally known as drag artist Dixie Rect as well as “Blondboy” on other social networks where he promotes the “toddler events” operated at his campground.
Council Disagrees on “Toddler Events”
The “toddler events” (also know as Adult Baby) are what has caused division on council. Foxhaven in Lavigne is the Canadian capital of the Adult Baby movement. National organizations promoting the trend host all their events in Lavigne and pride themselves for attracting enthusiasts from all over the world.
*Warning: The National Age-Play organization (TOMKAT)’s website as well as any links from the “leadership” group and the Foxhaven website should be browsed very carefully as there is a lot of disturbing content.
When Jackson first approached council a year ago with an agenda item seeking assistance and financial support, at least one councillor objected. This councillor notified others at the table prior to the meeting commencing, that the campground in question was not hosting “family friendly events”. The councillor shared some of the events that preceded and followed the “Pride week” festivities.
These events included a “spanking festival”, a “kink in the wild festival” and various “furry events” (for individuals who identify as animals). But what disturbed the objecting councillor was the “toddler” niche of the 2SLGBTQ+ community that this campground was catering to.
The campground’s website hosts several events for the “ageplay” community where adults identify and seek others who identify as toddlers. Participants wear diapers and engage in a variety of activities with their “caregivers". The national organization that promotes these events (TOMKAT) lists many rules regarding sexual activities, messy diapers and consent.
In one disturbing promotional video on Youtube, host Jackson dresses and acts as a toddler and asks viewers to “ask their mommy or daddy” to register them for “diaper camp”.
While many in this community defend it as “paraphilia” different from pedophilia, it definitely resembles many aspects of the latter. Some have criticized the growing movement and pointed out that certain aspects do in fact break the law including any photography or videography depicting children (or adults dressed as children) engaging in sexual acts.
Likely wanting to avoid any controversial discussions in the open, Thorne-Rochon decided at the last minute to remove the item from the agenda last year until council “received more information”.
However the requests for support did not go away. Several months later, Jackson emailed council again asking for a letter of support for his campground and 2024 events while failing to address council’s earlier concerns. He told council that he had received a federal grant the year prior which was personally delivered by local MP Marc Serré. But Jackson stressed that the 2024 grant was being held up unless he got “municipal support”.
After several failed attempts, Jackson sent an urgent email to all of council last fall. He told them that he desperately needed this approval and that the town CAO (Jay Barbeau) informed him that a municipal letter of support could not be provided without council approval.
Again, some councillors objected with one member emailing the property owner requesting more details. They stated “You mention friendly and safe events, but when I go your website I am seeing quite the opposite. Many of the events your organization is promoting is NOT family friendly. I am confused what specifically this grant is for? Is it exclusively for this festival (Pride week) or is it generally being used for all Fox Haven events? Can you please provide further clarification?”.
Mayor Offers Support on Behalf of the Municipality
Jackson never responded or answered council’s questions. But while possibly misinterpreting the granting rules and municipal procedural protocols, Jackson and Mayor Thorne-Rochon came to an arrangement. Seeing as a motion to support this organization would likely not receive council support, Thorne-Rochon told councillors that she would be submitting a personal letter of approval herself as mayor but would not “mention general municipal support”. This appears to have been done without ever being brought to the public via an official motion.
This is an obvious violation of the municipal code of conduct and procedural bylaws. Many will wonder if any councillor is capable of writing “letters of support” in the same fashion on other controversial subjects. Last year, the Integrity Commissioner found that Councillor Pellerin violated the code of conduct for simply adding his name to a citizen petition that was not “supported by all of council”.
Thorne-Rochon’s support was good enough and the organization received it’s grant to “explore sexual identity in seniors” in 2024.
Tourism has always played a big part in West Nipissing’s economy. When council proclaimed June as Pride Month their motion stated that the 2LGBTQS+ community contributed to the economic success of West Nipissing. A Northern Ontario tourism website recently stated that “in recent years, the region (including West Nipissing) has gradually become a hub for the 2SLGBTQ+ community, with its activities and pride festivals”.
While many are thrilled with the increased tourism that the Pride movement is bringing to the region, some have obvious reservations about the disturbing elements that accompany it.
Possible rift among PRIDE organization?
Although North Bay Pride is a listed sponsor of some events at Foxhaven and frequently advertises the venue, West Nipissing Pride seems to have kept its distance even though the campground is situated in its city boundaries.
A search of West Nipissing Pride’s Facebook page shows no mention or share of any events hosted by the Lavigne campground. While the president of West Nipissing Pride has posted about Foxhaven events and indicated their attendance, the formal Pride organization which received municipal support last month has never done so. This may be a sign that the local group does not support all aspects of the ever growing 2LGBTQS+ movement.
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The root of all this is this phrase: The "right to love and be loved regardless of sexual orientation."
But this isn't about love. It is about sex. And somewhere along the line Canadians have lost the distinction.
The Liberal Government dished out millions how appropriate I can t find the proper words to say how awful this goverment is