This week is the deadline to apply to become the new councillor for Ward 6. I now live in Ward 6 and have been asked by many if I would be putting my name forward to fill the vacant seat.
I did briefly consider the possibility. But quickly came to the conclusion that I would pass. There are two motivating factors that led to this decision.
First, the appointment process is not necessarily designed to favour the best candidate for the people of West Nipissing. Since ultimately the 8 existing councillors get to decide, they are more likely to appoint someone who aligns with their own interests and vision for the future. Most councillors have also made it clear that they don’t appreciate others at the table that ask too many questions.
Even if I did fit the mold of their desired candidate, it’s not a secret that most councillors dislike me (maybe even hate me). Last week, when someone asked why I wasn’t applying, I joked that if it were between me and a chicken being interviewed, I would likely put my money on the chicken. Even if the chicken was unlicensed.
The second reason why I must pass is more practical. Frankly, I think I can have a greater impact on important issues by reporting on them, rather than being a minority among nine votes.
As most know, I unsuccessfully ran in the 2022 elections. Shortly thereafter, I started reporting on local political issues and eventually created the West Nip Voice. Since those 2022 elections, I have covered and participated in a number of movements locally. Although I cannot take all the credit, I certainly played a role in eliminating all COVID-era mandates locally. Notably, getting the board of Au Chateau to revoke their cruel visitation policy in January 2023, just days after they had voted to uphold it, is amongst my greatest successes.
I like to think that my constant reporting at budget time lets our leaders know that we are paying attention and if this helps in reducing the annual tax increase by a fraction, my efforts are worth it. I have also brought much needed attention to the AirBnb and proposed chicken regulations. My goal on these bylaws has not been to take a side, but to make sure the public is aware of what is being decided. This in turn leads to a much more engaged public. My reporting on some of the more absurd regulations even led to their elimination (i.e. no singing in an AirBnB).
Earlier this year, I brought to light the drone surveillance controversy, which forced city staff to step in and stop this illegal practice going forward. I am also the only local reporter that covers taboo subjects such as our council and pride committee opposing a disturbing pride-themed campground.
While I advocated for lower tax increases, helped revoke unjust policies and exposed impractical bylaws, some councillors greatest achievement in two years has been abstaining to vote when their constituents needed them most.
So I will not be seeking this council seat today. But I will continue making sure the public stays aware when councillors spend taxpayer funds on out-of-town networking conferences. When council’s hired consultant comes back later this year with a recommendation that they increase their own salaries, I will keep the public attuned. When our municipal leaders make costly mistakes or recklessly spend money, I will try my hardest to let you know. I will continue to keep the urgent Verner water problem at the forefront. I won’t let council and senior staff keep it on the backburner.
Although as a councillor, I could vote on the issues, the flawed code of conduct that censors municipal politicians would bar me from bringing attention to them. If I were a councillor since 2022, I would likely have dozens of integrity commissioner investigations to defend. All for speaking the truth or legitimately and respectfully questioning staff. For the time being, I will spare the municipal taxpayers and continue to keep my independant voice.
Former councillor is currently the only applicant
As of today, only one person has applied for the council seat, former councillor Rolland Larabie. Larabie was part of the 2018-2022 council that made national headlines. Along with his group of four protesting councillors, Larabie famously missed or walked out of over half a dozen meetings in 2021 and 2022.
Larabie also made headlines for being questioned by council for receiving payments from the municipality while being a councillor. Although Larabie called the 2022 allegations a “witch hunt”, some councillors still believed he was in a conflict of interest for accepting payments for contract work while being an elected representative.
More recently, Larabie was questioned by myself when I discovered that he along with other candidates from 2022 may have improperly filed their financial disclosure statements. Larabie’s elections financial statement indicates he never spent any money on advertising even though his political ads were prominently featured in the local newspaper. Larabie has never answered my questions on this subject and the municipality has refused to investigate.
While West Nipissing does not seem to take election finance irregularities very seriously, in Sudbury one councillor is currently being investigated for inappropriately buying pizza and wings for supporters without putting those expenses on his disclosure. Councillor Bill Leduc in Sudbury has to go to court and if he is found guilty, may have to forfeit his seat on council.
In Leduc’s case (and likely in Larabie’s) a verdict of a contravention of the Elections Act comes with the penalty of being ineligible to run in the next elections and a forfeiture of any current elected office.
The West Nip Voice is a regular newsletter covering issues in West Nipissing and the surrounding area. Please consider becoming a subscriber.
I think it’s better you don’t run for council. The reporting you’re doing for our town has brought to light very important issues that we would not have been privy to if it wasn’t for you! Please continue with your awesome reporting! I can’t believe Larabie is trying to get his foot back in the door 🤬 What a joke!!
Proven incompetence will not be followed if already identified as such unfortunately. The current process being followed is not of integrity nor is it the voice of its citizens but only the voice of the incompetent command which adds to this areas current leadership failures.