Why do the citizens not get to vote on such things, no taxation without representation. Worry about our potholes as much as people having chickens and we'll start seeing some progress. Instead of paying building companies to redo a side walk 3 times.
Is this municipality so broke that they would actually impose a $20 each fee or say for instance $120 per year plus licence, inspection etc, etc….for a family to have 6 backyard chickens?
What is this community coming to? It is one new bylaw after another plus outrageous fees for just about everything that is going on in West Nipissing!
I see absolutely nothing wrong with families having some hens for their own eggs/ meat if they have the appropriate yard to do so. Also for children to be able to learn about and participate in the care of raising these birds is a wonderful thing.
I don’t think the issue here is about anyone having hundreds of birds….. The issue here is people want to grow a garden and perhaps have a few chickens(and eggs) to supplement their own food supply so that they know where their food is coming from. People around here are not having chickens to make money. That is ridiculous when the birds and care cost are all factored in.
To impose all of these bylaw regulations and fees is frankly too extreme. This council is getting out of hand and I can assure that there will be big push back
You will have limited compliance to any law, regulation, or restriction that would impede people from producing their own food needs. To try and profit, capitalize or implement such ludicrous cash grab systems will only hurt the chances to be recognized as a competent leader within the already challenged structure currently in place. I can assure you that I have chickens to feed my family due to the incompetence currently effecting the food market making their costs unaffordable. You will not charge me anything to maintain my right to self sustain without your prostitution as my penalties. This council has bigger issues to overcome like clean water to drink so stop thinking about governing the eggs they put in their mouths and start worrying about the water they are responsible for before they start killing your children. Trust when I say watching people especially children die in Walkerton is something I will not witness again.
Ridiculous. Was told by my councillor there would be a meeting for residents to voice our opinion and would be publicly announced. Didn’t happen. Very upset.
UN Agenda 21/ 2030 is a totally comprehensive inventory and control system for every living thing on earth, including humans. A “biosecurity” agenda provides a control structure. They are also on the hunt for pathogens to profit from. See ‘Behind the Green Mask’. Rosa Koire, 2011 and ‘The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism’. Patrick Wood, 2022.
Here’s an unexpected fact: the term “biodiversity” (UN ‘Convention on Biodiversity’) actually refers to ownership and control over genes. “Rather, the main issue was and is the takeover of all genetic material on earth. ... To recap thus far, the term “biodiversity” was redefined in 1992 [Rio de Janeiro] to mean the manipulation of genetic codes. Starting at UNCED that year, genes became something to be exploited, engineered, and used more efficiently and profitably than they are used in their natural state.” (Wood, 2022- Evil Twins- pp 135-6) ...
The existing agriculture/ food and energy systems are being dismantled by force. See The Solari Report: 2nd Quarter Wrap-Up, Vol 2023, No 3: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: Local Heroes in the Global War on Our Food and Property Rights. See also The Solari Report: 1st Quarter Wrap-Up, Vol 2023, No 1: Pharma Food. (Catherine Austin Fitts. solari.com)
Chickens are a relatively straightforward issue. Most people would agree that the proposed extensive controls do not make sense and are not wanted. We have to have access to nourishing food. It’s a good choice for pushback.
Do municipalities have any power at all to implement local preferences and priorities for matters within their jurisdiction? Official Plans are being implemented which all look the same and reflect global agendas created and financed by private wealth. The infrastructure to facilitate this (ie., ICLEI) was intentionally built.
In Wilmot, Ont, there is a plan to expropriate 770 acres (with taxpayers’ money one assumes), and it is impossible to find out WHY. There is a song: 770 acres by Steve Todd. The farmers don’t want to sell and the community wants to protect the farmland.
>>Maggie was joined by Duncan Spence and Jim Handley, a city councillor in Thorold. Together, they recounted the journey that led to Thorold’s decision to opt out of the controversial ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) program. The ICLEI program, which many municipalities adopt, focuses on implementing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals at the local level. Critics argue that it brings unwanted global agendas into local governments, leading to restrictive land use and water bylaws, among other issues.
>>During the interview, Maggie explained the elusiveness of ICLEI and its impact on local governance. “ICLEIs Partners for Climate Protection Prorgam is responsible for harvesting 98% of Canadians’ energy consumption and waste data, getting municipalities to set reduction targets to zero by 2050 and declaring climate emergencies to galvanize public opinion and justifying endless expenditures on green energy products. These expenses are coming at the expense of prioritizing the immediate needs of our communities,” she said. She emphasized that these global agendas often go unnoticed as they are implemented at different times in different municipalities.
Residents poured into the streets and chambers for every meeting for I believe 13 weeks. If I recall they came even on a date when advised there would be no meeting-- just in case. They eventually won.
Oh and if this bylaw to restrict families from their self sufficiency is endorsed by your leadership make sure you clause the document mandating that every councilor as well as the mayor who leads be required to maintain their quota of foul deemed fit by the document they create at all required costs and that their commodity of collection (eggs) be provided without prostitution to those in need within the community they govern or destroy depending on how you view from your position blessed in life. Feed them without profit if you truly do not wish to burden those vulnerable further. If we are forced to by from theirs systems then force them to at least contribute to it. I'll look forward to my share of our councils over easys 😉
Why do the citizens not get to vote on such things, no taxation without representation. Worry about our potholes as much as people having chickens and we'll start seeing some progress. Instead of paying building companies to redo a side walk 3 times.
Is this municipality so broke that they would actually impose a $20 each fee or say for instance $120 per year plus licence, inspection etc, etc….for a family to have 6 backyard chickens?
What is this community coming to? It is one new bylaw after another plus outrageous fees for just about everything that is going on in West Nipissing!
I see absolutely nothing wrong with families having some hens for their own eggs/ meat if they have the appropriate yard to do so. Also for children to be able to learn about and participate in the care of raising these birds is a wonderful thing.
I don’t think the issue here is about anyone having hundreds of birds….. The issue here is people want to grow a garden and perhaps have a few chickens(and eggs) to supplement their own food supply so that they know where their food is coming from. People around here are not having chickens to make money. That is ridiculous when the birds and care cost are all factored in.
To impose all of these bylaw regulations and fees is frankly too extreme. This council is getting out of hand and I can assure that there will be big push back
You will have limited compliance to any law, regulation, or restriction that would impede people from producing their own food needs. To try and profit, capitalize or implement such ludicrous cash grab systems will only hurt the chances to be recognized as a competent leader within the already challenged structure currently in place. I can assure you that I have chickens to feed my family due to the incompetence currently effecting the food market making their costs unaffordable. You will not charge me anything to maintain my right to self sustain without your prostitution as my penalties. This council has bigger issues to overcome like clean water to drink so stop thinking about governing the eggs they put in their mouths and start worrying about the water they are responsible for before they start killing your children. Trust when I say watching people especially children die in Walkerton is something I will not witness again.
Ridiculous. Was told by my councillor there would be a meeting for residents to voice our opinion and would be publicly announced. Didn’t happen. Very upset.
This is primarily about controlling the food supply. “He who controls the food controls the people.”
Avian flu is being hyped. A hundred million chickens (mostly laying hens) have been needlessly slaughtered (https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/with-100-million-birds-dead-poultry-industry-could-serve-as-example-as-dairy-farmers-confront-bird-flu-5666632 )
UN Agenda 21/ 2030 is a totally comprehensive inventory and control system for every living thing on earth, including humans. A “biosecurity” agenda provides a control structure. They are also on the hunt for pathogens to profit from. See ‘Behind the Green Mask’. Rosa Koire, 2011 and ‘The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism’. Patrick Wood, 2022.
Here’s an unexpected fact: the term “biodiversity” (UN ‘Convention on Biodiversity’) actually refers to ownership and control over genes. “Rather, the main issue was and is the takeover of all genetic material on earth. ... To recap thus far, the term “biodiversity” was redefined in 1992 [Rio de Janeiro] to mean the manipulation of genetic codes. Starting at UNCED that year, genes became something to be exploited, engineered, and used more efficiently and profitably than they are used in their natural state.” (Wood, 2022- Evil Twins- pp 135-6) ...
The existing agriculture/ food and energy systems are being dismantled by force. See The Solari Report: 2nd Quarter Wrap-Up, Vol 2023, No 3: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: Local Heroes in the Global War on Our Food and Property Rights. See also The Solari Report: 1st Quarter Wrap-Up, Vol 2023, No 1: Pharma Food. (Catherine Austin Fitts. solari.com)
Chickens are a relatively straightforward issue. Most people would agree that the proposed extensive controls do not make sense and are not wanted. We have to have access to nourishing food. It’s a good choice for pushback.
Do municipalities have any power at all to implement local preferences and priorities for matters within their jurisdiction? Official Plans are being implemented which all look the same and reflect global agendas created and financed by private wealth. The infrastructure to facilitate this (ie., ICLEI) was intentionally built.
In Wilmot, Ont, there is a plan to expropriate 770 acres (with taxpayers’ money one assumes), and it is impossible to find out WHY. There is a song: 770 acres by Steve Todd. The farmers don’t want to sell and the community wants to protect the farmland.
Thorold, Ont. just voted to get out of the ICLEI ‘Partners for Climate Protection Program’ --an attempt to impose the senseless dictates of unelected global players on unwitting municipalities. gather2030.substack.com/p/a-big-win-for-local-over-global-environmental
>>Maggie was joined by Duncan Spence and Jim Handley, a city councillor in Thorold. Together, they recounted the journey that led to Thorold’s decision to opt out of the controversial ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) program. The ICLEI program, which many municipalities adopt, focuses on implementing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals at the local level. Critics argue that it brings unwanted global agendas into local governments, leading to restrictive land use and water bylaws, among other issues.
>>During the interview, Maggie explained the elusiveness of ICLEI and its impact on local governance. “ICLEIs Partners for Climate Protection Prorgam is responsible for harvesting 98% of Canadians’ energy consumption and waste data, getting municipalities to set reduction targets to zero by 2050 and declaring climate emergencies to galvanize public opinion and justifying endless expenditures on green energy products. These expenses are coming at the expense of prioritizing the immediate needs of our communities,” she said. She emphasized that these global agendas often go unnoticed as they are implemented at different times in different municipalities.
Here is the story of how Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica prevented its Council from implementing a 15 minute city. interestofjustice.substack.com/p/final-agenda-2030-protest-win-mayor?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=825071&post_id=146024817&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=18r7xd&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
Residents poured into the streets and chambers for every meeting for I believe 13 weeks. If I recall they came even on a date when advised there would be no meeting-- just in case. They eventually won.
Oh and if this bylaw to restrict families from their self sufficiency is endorsed by your leadership make sure you clause the document mandating that every councilor as well as the mayor who leads be required to maintain their quota of foul deemed fit by the document they create at all required costs and that their commodity of collection (eggs) be provided without prostitution to those in need within the community they govern or destroy depending on how you view from your position blessed in life. Feed them without profit if you truly do not wish to burden those vulnerable further. If we are forced to by from theirs systems then force them to at least contribute to it. I'll look forward to my share of our councils over easys 😉
Lol ya come enforce my own independence. FAFO