For the third consecutive year, West Nipissing residents will face a tax increase of nearly 5%.
After implementing a 4.75% increase in 2023 and a 4.67% hike in 2024, council voted this week to raise the 2025 levy by 4.6%.
This decision comes despite an additional $679,000 in Ontario Municipal Partnership Funding (OMPF) and a $578,000 provincial grant to offset increased policing costs.
Budget Breakdown
Staff initially proposed a 6.52% tax hike, citing significant departmental increases, including an 8.8% jump in human resources expenses (from $9M in 2024 to $10.8M in 2025). However, council adjusted the proposal following debates on only three points:
Doctor Recruitment: The West Nipissing General Hospital requested an additional $100,000 for doctor recruitment, but details on its allocation were vague. Council reduced the amount to $20,000 for 2025, to be controlled directly by the municipality.
Library Budget: The library board requested a modest 2.8% increase ($12,000). While staff raised concerns about the board’s financial management, the increase was approved, with a recommendation for closer municipal oversight.
Policing Costs: Policing remains a significant budget strain. Although West Nipissing received $578,000 in provincial funding for rising OPP costs, staff recommended using only $100,000 this year to lower the tax increase by 1%, saving the remainder for future expenses.
The latter sparked debate, with some councillors advocating for a more aggressive reduction in tax increases. Ultimately, council sided with staff, although uncertainty remains about the unused provincial funds.
Final Decision: A 4.6% Increase
Staff proposed a 4.1% levy increase after reducing doctor recruitment funding by $75,000 and approving a $100,000 reduction in policing costs. Staff also suggested an additional 0.5% levy for fire department reserves, citing the newly released Fire & Emergency Services Master Plan.
Only three options were presented: A 4.6% increase, a 4.1% increase or a 3.6% increase. Ultimately, Councillors Larabie, Gagne, Restoule, Thorne-Rochon, and Rivard formed a majority in favor of the first option presented: a 4.6% increase.
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You won't be attracting Doctors with 20K
Is water and sewage increases on top of the 4.6% increase?