Interesting that the ward went by acclimation in the last election. Now there are candidates. Given the record of this council majority so far I suspect they will choose someone who "go along to get along".
The sloppiness and lack of professionalism will most likely continue. Some politicians seem to have no shame.
Left to a council when it should be the ward. No incompetence here. Unfortunately we have come to the realization that without a true cleaning of these municipal offices and the refreshing of all redundant complacent personnel simply buffering pensions and lining pockets before ultimately leaving the caos they created with their disregard for true leadership. What "qualified" these candidates? Simply to have the money to pay for a spot? Lol That leadership dosen't work anymore just like the current. Clear Mayor Barbeau, give the rest of them the shot to clean up the infection that should have been cleaned up with the last outbreak and maybe they will bounce back and do the jobs that they have been hired to do. Once they do we will consider providing our contribution to their civil servants salaries. Stay safe and good luck folks your going to need it with this bunch I fear.
Interesting that the ward went by acclimation in the last election. Now there are candidates. Given the record of this council majority so far I suspect they will choose someone who "go along to get along".
The sloppiness and lack of professionalism will most likely continue. Some politicians seem to have no shame.
Left to a council when it should be the ward. No incompetence here. Unfortunately we have come to the realization that without a true cleaning of these municipal offices and the refreshing of all redundant complacent personnel simply buffering pensions and lining pockets before ultimately leaving the caos they created with their disregard for true leadership. What "qualified" these candidates? Simply to have the money to pay for a spot? Lol That leadership dosen't work anymore just like the current. Clear Mayor Barbeau, give the rest of them the shot to clean up the infection that should have been cleaned up with the last outbreak and maybe they will bounce back and do the jobs that they have been hired to do. Once they do we will consider providing our contribution to their civil servants salaries. Stay safe and good luck folks your going to need it with this bunch I fear.