Pick from the people digging the ditch and in field sowing seed for there your better leadership is found. Leaders by example shall replace the leaders by election. If you have to pay to play you will only have selfish intentions your leadership fails for foundation of profit, money and status they still seek. Choose those you follow and fund wisely because it's hard to get your voice and money back once you give it away. Blessings from the Independent. Stay safe
GO Dave!
Hoping for a win for Dave!
What is your opinion about this candidate? Do you know him at all?
Pick from the people digging the ditch and in field sowing seed for there your better leadership is found. Leaders by example shall replace the leaders by election. If you have to pay to play you will only have selfish intentions your leadership fails for foundation of profit, money and status they still seek. Choose those you follow and fund wisely because it's hard to get your voice and money back once you give it away. Blessings from the Independent. Stay safe